Gut and Digestive Health Blog

Get the Facts on Candida Overgrowth: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Written by Leena Mahtani | Mar 24, 2023 2:08:33 AM

Candida is a type of fungus that occurs naturally in the human body. It helps keep other organisms from overgrowing and taking over when it's in balance. But when it begins to grow out of control, it can cause many uncomfortable symptoms - from digestive issues to skin rashes and more. Understanding what causes candida overgrowth is key to preventing and treating the condition. 

What Causes Candida Overgrowth? 
There are three main factors that can contribute to candida overgrowth: antibiotic use, poor diet, and a weakened immune system. Antibiotics kill both “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut, which can cause an imbalance in the gut flora. Without beneficial bacteria in place to keep candida growth in check, an overgrowth can occur. Poor diets that are high in sugar and processed foods can also lead to candida overgrowth because these types of foods feed yeast cells. Finally, a weakened immune system due to stress or illness can cause candida overgrowth as well – your body won’t be able to fight off invading pathogens if it’s already struggling with existing health issues. 
Common Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth 
The most common symptom of candida overgrowth is fatigue. Other signs may include digestive distress (such as bloating), skin rashes or breakouts, brain fog or trouble concentrating, mood swings or irritability, recurrent vaginal infections (in women), recurring urinary tract infections (in men) and more. These symptoms aren’t necessarily indicative of candida alone - but if you’re experiencing multiple symptoms at once that don’t seem to have another explanation then it could be worth getting tested for candida levels just in case. 
How Can You Prevent Candida Overgrowth? 
Fortunately, there are some simple steps we can take to help prevent this condition from occurring. Here are seven of the best ways to prevent candida overgrowth, from diet to lifestyle changes. 
1. Maintain a Healthy Diet Low in Sugar and Processed Foods
Eating a diet that is low in sugar and processed foods is the first step in preventing candida overgrowth. While some natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables are ok, it’s important to avoid sugary snacks and drinks, as well as refined carbohydrates like white bread and pastries. A balanced diet of whole grains, proteins, healthy fats, and vegetables will help keep your gut flora balanced so yeast cells won’t be able to take hold and start growing out of control.
2. Avoid Antibiotics Unless Absolutely Necessary
Antibiotics kill both harmful bacteria as well as beneficial bacteria that keep your gut flora balanced, which can lead to an overgrowth of candida yeast cells. So if you must take antibiotics for medical reasons, make sure you also take probiotic supplements to restore balance in your gut flora afterward. 
3. Manage Stress Levels
Stress has been linked to candida overgrowth because it disrupts the delicate balance of your body's hormones which can compromise your immune system's ability to fight off infection. To manage stress levels try yoga or meditation or find other activities that help you relax such as reading or taking walks outdoors. 
4. Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough restful sleep helps your body repair itself while also boosting your immune system so it can fight off infections like candida overgrowth more effectively. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
5. Exercise Regularly
Exercise helps reduce stress levels while also improving circulation throughout the body so nutrients can be transported more effectively throughout the body including those needed by the gut microbiome which helps maintain its balance against opportunistic pathogens like candida yeast cells. Try doing aerobic exercises like jogging or swimming three times a week for optimal results.
6. Drink Plenty of Water
Staying hydrated helps flush toxins from your body which helps keep your gut microbiome healthy since toxins often interfere with its balance leading to an increase in bad bacteria like candida yeast cells. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
7.  Eat Probiotic-Rich Foods Such As Yogurt And Kefir
Eating probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt and kefir helps replenish beneficial bacteria in your gut microbiota which keeps it balanced against opportunistic pathogens like candida yeast cells. Try adding these foods to your diet on a regular basis.
Candida overgrowth can be a demanding challenge to manage, but understanding some basic facts can make living with it much easier. It's important to know the underlying causes of Candida overgrowth and all the different symptoms that could potentially arise. Looking out for these potential signs can serve as an early warning system and help you get the treatment you need quickly before the situation grows worse. A healthy diet and lifestyle can go a long way in preventing Candida overgrowth from returning or growing worse. Staying informed is key to protecting your health and keeping Candida at bay – so don't hesitate to seek answers if you suspect something isn't right.